September 11


Daily Routine for Successful Entrepreneurs

Being an Entrepreneur is a busy job, you get to deal with a lot of things, be it company, people working for you, managing clients and making sure they are satisfied with you, and a lot more things on the to-do list. You are working hard to manage all these things, there is no doubt about that. But is working hard enough? No, it’s not. To become a successful entrepreneur you have to work smart, let’s say it this way, you have to do smart hard work to achieve your goals. The question is - How can you do Smart hard work? To do it you have to manage what happens outside of you while managing your business as well as what happens inside of you. You can’t afford to be chaotic from the inside if you want to be a successful Entrepreneur. You have to be well composed if you want to manage your business like a pro. You know how important good habits are when we want to be something in life and it becomes very important for you to have some smart habits in your daily routines if you are already an entrepreneur. Now we will look at the very important smart habits every Entrepreneur should follow to become successful. So, first of all, let’s understand the meaning of SMART in terms of Habits. S - Sun. M- Meditate. A- Affirmation. R- Reading. T- Transcribe. Now you do have a good understanding of what we are gonna talk about in the further section. So, let’s begin. S for Sun Get some Sun. Yes, it is important, it helps you A lot more than you can imagine because the Sun is the source of vitamin D. Do you know that more than 70% of the population in India is vitamin D deficit, stats are shocking, Right! It is free of cost, all you need to do is take an early morning sunbath, which will help you to absorb a good amount of vitamin D. You will be surprised to know the benefits of VItamin D. It helps in reducing tension and depression in your brain, it helps in fighting any disease in your body, it helps in improving your memory, it helps in improving your digestion and it improves your immunity. How can you perform well if your body and mind are not well, so, vitamin D is essential for you. All you have to do is to set your routine for early morning sunbathing for your wellness. M for Meditate People talk about meditation a lot these days because it is important. Meditation helps you to center your mind and think clearly, with so much to do as an entrepreneur you must think clearly and meditation can help you do it. You need to spend 10 minutes of your day in meditation, it calms you down from the chaos, it will help you to think better, you can think clearly about what you have accomplished and what needs to be accomplished. If you meditate for a long time, suppose for a year, you will notice remarkable changes in your life. A for Affirmation Affirmations are important; they help you a lot to keep you driving in your work if performed correctly. There is scientific proof that Affirmations work very well. So what is Affirmation? Affirmations are powerful and short statements that spike your habits in the direction of what you affirm. It is important to look for what you are affirming, always create a positive affirmation like I am strong to move forward. I am achieving my business goals I am passionate about my company and employees I am succeeding in my business. I am better than yesterday. Like that, your affirmations should be short and powerful. Write them down, stick them on the wall, put them on your PC’s wallpaper, everywhere, where you can see it easily throughout your day every day. R for Reading Reading is something you can’t ignore, if you want to be a successful entrepreneur you must read. You must have heard of the phrase “A Reader Becomes A Leader”, yes it is true. Because reading helps you to become empathetic, which is important if you are running a company, you have to empathize with your employees to bring the best out of them while working for you. There are many benefits of reading as it helps you to become more educated, it helps you in critical thinking, it helps to remove stress, it helps you in increasing your attention span, it helps you to strengthen your cognition and many more benefits. Absorb the knowledge like a sponge, read paperbacks, listen to audiobooks, informative podcasts, read good articles and watch informative youtube videos. Set yourself a goal to read at least ten pages daily and believe me you will surely become a more knowledgeable and better person after some time. T for Transcribe So what does transcribe mean? Transcribe is all about putting your thoughts, plans, or emotions in the written form, well you can buy a new diary for it. Write down your goals and plans because transcribing helps you achieve them, journaling is very important, by journaling you can get clarity about what you want to accomplish because clarity in the plan is very important for you as an entrepreneur. Journal about everything related to your business, like in what way you want to create your business, in what direction you want to take your business, what kind of people you want to do business with, what kind of clients you want to attract, what kind of employees you want for your company, etc. With the help of journaling, you can tell your subconscious mind what you want and it will help you get it. You will be surprised when you will look back at the old journals that you created, you will find that most of the plans you have written previously have been accomplished. Now that you have understood how important smart habits are, try to put them in your daily routines to see the actual results which you want to see. Trust me, these good habits are very powerful and can get you whatever you desire for and they will make you a successful entrepreneur for sure.


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