September 18


How to scale a service-based business

Growing a business today looks like a very straightforward venture, looks elusive on the paper. But when you get into the heart of the matter you realize that it needs more thought to scale the business  Special considerations are to be made in a service-based business. Service-based businesses are different from product-based businesses Because it does take time to sell the service within a limited period. Service isn’t easy as just completing a transaction. The relation with the customer needs to be nurtured over a given time- period. More sales mean paying more close attention to the customer  However, there are reasons why service-based businesses are increasing at a phenomenal rate. Modern technology is making work a little easier than earlier said. In today’s time launching a website, connecting with individuals who need consulting, etc. isn’t that tough The best part about the service-based business is that the cost overhead for them is very low and therefore one can invest more of their profits into the business.    Do you think now is the time for you to scale up and expand your target base. It is a great thought, but one needs to do it with the right strategies. if not done correctly it slowers the process and make you feel like you are doing another stressful job. Do you want to make the most out of your business? Then you are in the correct place. We will talk about 5 important strategies that can help you scale your service-based business, maximizing your profits  
  1. Business needs to position themselves as a problem solver:  Do you know what could be the reason why people hire the professional in the first place? Because they consider them to be problem solvers. Therefore entrepreneurs need to make their customers feel that have already understood their problem and the services they will provide will solve the problems easily. The key part of any kind of business is to be clear about the problems they solve. The bigger the problems in the business, the better the company addresses the solution, then they create a customer faster. Do keep this in mind and understand that if one can position themselves in such a way and answer all the questions, they can secure themselves as problem solvers. This leads to better and faster growth.
  2. Narrow down to a particular niche: There is an old saying that goes something like this ”Jack of all trades master of none” which means when you try to please everyone you end up pleasing none. The services offered by the business cannot please everyone. In an attempt to make everyone happy an entrepreneur can end up devaluing their business and also they end up blemishing their own identity So the business needs to find out who are they selling their products to? The business should look at more than offering the services. The deeper they dig in, they get a clear picture of what are the pain points of their customer. This will also help them craft their service in a way that could serve their customers. Therefore finding a niche is key to better sales.   
  3. Focus on hiring people who represent you as a brand: Entrepreneurs, usually when they start a business think they can do everything by themselves. They think others who don’t do their work own and hire people aren’t hard-working as they are. This is common for most entrepreneurs. They want to work on all the aspects of the business, as a result of which they feel uncomfortable sharing the responsibilities. Wondering why is important to hire people? It is important because without employees there is no organization. It helps them shape the business. Also, the other benefit is that it helps the entrepreneur to focus on companies bigger picture. At the end of the day, businesses will be only successful if they have employees with them. Hiring people with the right skill set is another key to increase sales.
  4. Use discounts to boost your sales: Consumers always look for a way to save money and also prefer buying from the stores that offer them the best deals. Even though the discounts may be the cost to the company but it can increase the sales to the higher pitch. Offering discounts can build loyalty by bringing back the old customer and attract new customers. It can also end up with customers buying other products too. Also, with this customers gain confidence in the brand, they feel free to spend more. Discounts are an age-old strategy when it comes to increasing sales. Implemented at the right time can drive the business to heights of success.
  5. Create recurring revenue at the back-end: One of the keys to success is having a recurring revenue model First let us understand what does recurring revenue mean? Recurring revenue means revenue that is expected to continue in the future as well. They come in different forms. For eg companies receiving payments from customers who are bound by long-term or annual contracts. Recurring revenue guarantees stability, high income, and higher customer lifetime value. It empowers the company to grow faster and also gives them an edge over its competitors. Recurring revenue today has been a disruptive trend and is a must for all the business
  If you have a business that deals in services you should implement this soon. The faster you implement, the faster you get the results That said, keep in mind what you have read in this article. Also If you are facing problems with your clients and instability in the business it’s time for you to change the methods. Productizing around the solutions can take a magical shift that can take from working in a frustrating job to running a scalable business.   Hope you have got a clear understanding of to it takes to scale a service-based business.   Pro-Tip  In the comment section below, let us know which one of the 5 tips was most helpful to you. Feel free to share your comments Also do like and share them with your friend and family   


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